Hey! Thanks for stopping by my site. Here’s the gist of what’s going on here.

I’m a SAG actor and a not currently unionized writer, who knows maybe one day soon that would be cool, based in NYC, but guess what I work in LA too! I grew up in Escondido, CA where I got my start by performing in regional theaters throughout San Diego county. I made the jump up the freeway right after high school after signing with my current agent, Haydn Jones at Luxe Talent Agency (completely coincidental/ not a product of nepotism) and been enjoying the process ever since.

I’m in love with comedy. I want to marry it, have 3 children, go on vacation to Cozumel with comedy and our comedy babies…a life complete. I’m very passionate about comedic writing and it’s my hope that you can see that within my projects listed here on this site, that if you couldn't guess, I made myself.

Photo from a sketch I wrote titled “Blood Type.” The sketch serves as the first of three sketches that make up a pilot episode, currently in production. In association with Astral Eye Pictures.

Set Photography by Kasee Shambora

This is me as a character I wrote named Willy Greencakes. An angry elf who hires a documentarian crew to help clear his name after his unruly exile from the North Pole. Full short film is available on Youtube. (Click on the image to be directed)

Written and Directed by Nick Lux

“Blood Type”

Written by Nick Lux

Directed by Evan Zissimopulos

Proud member of SAG-AFTRA

Laura Aladjem
laura.imagetalent@gmail.com |

Image Talent

Haydn Jones
Talent Agent - Film, TV, VO & Commercial
haydn@luxetalentagency.com |

Luxe Talent Agency
O | F 619.734.7532 | C 214-250-4369

I actually like my day job

I try to get on set as many days of the week as possible, so I also frequently work as a Production Assistant on various productions throughout Los Angeles. For any bookings related to that, please contact me directly :)

Feel free to contact me directly at…
